Noker 1 Phase Input 1 Phase Output 220v Vfd Vsd Variable Frequency Drive Water Pump

Short Description:

NK300 mini-series variable frequency drive/ac drive is a general-purpose small power inverter, it is suitable for small electric motor adjusting speed.

It has high output torque and strong anti-interference ability, featuring a mini-size design vector V/F control; various V/F curve; stable current/voltage restriction;16-step speed; stand RS485 communication protocol.

Based on its advanced design, NK300 portable inverter is well-known for its good quality, high torque, high precision, high reliability, and competitive price. It have been widely used in most general applications.

Product Detail

Product Tags


The variable frequency drive is mainly composed of rectifier (AC to DC), filter, inverter (DC to AC), brake unit, drive unit, detection unit and micro-processing unit. The inverter depends on the internal IGBT to adjust the output power supply voltage and frequency, according to the actual needs of the motor to provide the required power supply voltage, and then achieve the purpose of energy saving, speed regulation, in addition, the inverter has a lot of protection functions, such as over current, over voltage, overload protection and so on. With the continuous improvement of the degree of industrial automation, the frequency converter has also been widely used.

1.Almost perfect design and superb manufacturing process;

With large design margin for key components and PCB;
Adopting industry-leading automatic spraying and strict automatic testing standards, making sure more stable and reliable products;
With optimized control algorithms and comprehensive protection functions, making more outstanding performance of the complete product.

2.Powerful hardware speed tracking;

With powerful hardware speed tracking, easily responding to the applications with large inertia requiring quick start.

3. Accurate parameter identification;

With an optimized motor parameter autotuning model, providing more precise identification.

4. Enhanced oscillation suppression;

With enhanced oscillation suppression, equal to all applications of motor current oscillation with facility.

5. Fast current limiting;

With fast current limiting function, easily responding to the conditions with sudden load, greatly reducing the probability of inverter’s frequent over-current fault.

6. Dual PID switching;

With dual PID switching function, adapting to varied complicated conditions with flexibility.

7. Original energy-saving mode;

With an original energy-saving mode, when at a light load, reducing the output voltage automatically, making more efficient energy saving.

8. Optimized V/F separation;

With optimized V/F separation function, easily meeting various demands of the power inverter industry.

9. Flux-weakening control;

Flux-weakening control, the max. frequency could be up to 3000Hz, easy for the applications requiring high speed.

10. Powerful PC monitoring software;

With various background monitoring functions, facilitating on-site data collection and commissioning;
Capable of batch parameters upload and download, and autogeneration of commissioning documents.


Item  Specification
Input Input voltage 1AC/3AC 220vac±15%,

3AC 380vac±15% 

3AC 660vac±15% 

Input frequency 47--63Hz
Output Output voltage 0--rated input voltage
Output frequency V/F control: 0--3000Hz

Sensorless vector control: 0--300Hz

Control features


Control mode V/F

Sensorless vector control

Torque control

Operation command mode Keypad control

Terminal control

Serial communication control

Frequency setting mode Digital setting, analog setting, pulse frequency setting, serial communication setting, multi-step speed setting&simple PLC, PID setting, etc. These frequency settings can be combined&switched in various modes.
Overload capacity G model:150% 60s, 180% 10s, 200% 3s

P model: 120% 60s, 150% 10s, 180% 3s

Start torque 0.5Hz 150%(SVC), 1Hz 150%(V/F)
Speed range 1:50(V/F), 1:100(SVC)
Control precision ±0.5%(SVC)
Speed fluctuation ±0.5%
Carrier frequency 1khz---16.0khz, automatically adjusted according to temperature and load characteristics
Frequency accuracy Digital setting: 0.01Hz

Analog setting: Max frequency*0.05%

Torque boost Automatically torque boost; manually torque boost: 0.1%--30.0%
V/F curve Three types: linear, multiple point and square type(1.2 power, 1.4 power, 1.6 power, 1.8 power, square)
Acceleration/deceleration mode Straight line/S curve; four kinds of acceleration/deceleration time, range: 0.1s--3600.0s
DC braking DC braking when stating and stopping

DC braking frequency: 0.0Hz--max frequency

Braking time: 0.0s--100.0s

Jog operation Jog operation frequency:0.0Hz--max frequency

Jog acceleration/deceleration time: 0.1s--3600.0s

Simple PLC&multi-step It can realize a max of 16 segment speed running via the built-in PLC or control terminal
Built-in PID Built-in PID control to easily realize the close loop control of the process parameters(such as pressure, temperature, flow, etc.)
Automatic voltage regulation Keep output voltage constant automatically when input voltage fluctuating
Common DC bus Common DC bus for several inverters, energy balanced automatically
Torque control Torque control without PG
Torque limit “Rooter”characteristics, limit the torque automatically and prevent frequent over-current tripping during the running process
Wobble frequency control Multiple triangular-wave frequency control, special for textile
Timing/length/counting control Timing/length/counting control function
Over-voltage&over-current stall control Limit current&voltage automatically during the running process, prevent frequent over-current&over-voltage tripping
Fault protection function Up to 30 fault protections including over-current, over-voltage, under-voltage, overheating, default phase, overload, shortcut, etc. Can record the detailed running status during failure& has fault automatic reset function
Input/output terminals Input terminals Programmable DI: 7 on-off inputs, 1 high speed pulse input

2 programmable AI1: 0--10V or 0/4--20mA

AI2: 0--10V or 0/4--20mA

Output terminals 1programmable open collector output: 1 analogue output(open collector output or high speed pulse output)

2 relay output

2 analogue output:0/4--20mA or 0--10V

Communication terminals Offer RS485 Communication interface, support Modbus-RTU communication protocol
Human machine interface


LED display Display frequency setting, output frequency, output voltage, output current, etc.
Multi-function key QUICK/JOG key, can be used as multi-function key






Installation location Indoor, free from direct sunlight, dust, corrosive gas, combustible gas, oil smoke, vapour, drip or salt.
Altitude 0--2000m, Up than 1000m, need to reduce capacity.
Ambient temperature -10℃ to +40℃(derated if the ambient temperature is between 40℃ and 50℃)
Humidity Less than 95% RH, without condensing
Vibration Less than 5.9m/s2 (0.6g)
Storage temperature -20℃ to +60℃


Model Rated power


Horse power


Input current


Output current


Single phase 220v 50/60hz

NK300-0R4G-S2 0.4 0.5 5.4 2.3
NK300-0R7G-S2 0.75 1.0 8.2 4.0
NK300-1R5G-S2 1.5 2.0 14.0 7.0
NK300-2R2G-S2 2.2 3.0 23.0 9.6
NK300-004G-S2 4.0 5.0 25.0 15.0
NK300-5R5G-S2 5.5 7.5 38.0 23.0
NK300-7R5G-S2 7.5 10.0 50.0 32.0

Three phase 220v 50/60hz

NK300-0R4G-T2 0.4 0.5 3.4 2.3
NK300-0R7G-T2 0.75 1.0 5.0 4.0
NK300-1R5G-T2 1.5 2.0 7.7 7.0
NK300-2R2G-T2 2.2 3.0 10.5 9.0
NK300-004G-T2 4.0 5 18 17
NK300-5R5G-T2 5.5 7.5 26 25
NK300-7R5G-T2 7.5 10 35 32
NK300-011G-T2 11 15 46.5 45
NK300-015G-T2 15 20 62.5 60
NK300-018G-T2 18.5 25 76 75
NK300-022G-T2 22 30 92 91
NK300-030G-T2 30 40 113 112
NK300-037G-T2 37 50 157 150
NK300-045G-T2 45 60 180 176
NK300-055G-T2 55 75 214 210
NK300-075G-T2 75 100 307 304
NK300-090G-T2 90 125 350 340

Three phase 380--415v 50/60hz

NK300-0R7G/1R5P-T4 0.75/1.5 1/2 3.4/5.0 2.1/3.8
NK300-1R5G/2R2P-T4 1.5/2.2 2/3 5.0/6.8 3.8/6
NK300-2R2G/004P-T4 2.2/4.0 3/5 6.8/10 6/9
NK300-004G/5R5P-T4 4.0/5.5 5/7.5 10/15 9/13
NK300-5R5G/7R5P-T4 5.5/7.5 7.5/10 15/20 13/17
NK300-7R5G/011P-T4 7.5/11 10/15 20/26 17/25
NK300-011G/015P-T4 11/15 15/20 26/35 25/32
NK300-015G/018P-T4 15/18.5 20/25 35/38 32/37
NK300-018G/022P-T4 18.5/22 25/30 38/46 37/45
NK300-022G/030P-T4 22/30 30/40 46/62 45/60
NK300-030G/037P-T4 30/37 40/50 62/76 60/75
NK300-037G/045P-T4 37/45 50/60 76/90 75/90
NK300-045G/055P-T4 45/55 60/75 92/113 90/110
NK300-055G/075P-T4 55/75 75/100 112/57 110/150
NK300-075G/090P-T4 75/90 100/125 157/180 150/176
NK300-090G/110P-T4 90/110 125/150 180/214 176/210
NK300-110G/132P-T4 110/132 150/175 214/256 210/253
NK300-132G/160P-T4 132/160 175/210 256/307 253/304
NK300-160G/185P-T4 160/185 210/250 307/350 304/340
NK300-185G/200P-T4 185/200 250/260 350/385 340/377
NK300-200G/220P-T4 200/220 260/300 385/430 377/423
NK300-220G/250P-T4 220/250 300/330 430/468 423/465
NK300-250G/280P-T4 250/280 330/370 468/525 465/520
NK300-280G/315P-T4 280/315 370/420 525/590 520/585
NK300-315G/350P-T4 315/350 420/470 590/665 585/640
NK300-350G/400P-T4 350/400 470/530 665/785 640/720
NK300-400G/450P-T4 400/450 530/600 785/840 720/820
NK300-450G/500P-T4 450/500 600/660 840/880 820/900
NK300-500G/560P-T4 500/560 660/750 880/980 900/1000
NK300-560G/630P-T4 560/630 750/840 980/1130 1000/1100
NK300-630G/710P-T4 630/710 840/950 1130/1290 1100/1250
NK300-710G-T4 710 950 1290 1250
NK300-800G-T4 800 1070 1450 1400
NK300-900G-T4 900 1200 1630 1580
NK300-1000G-T4 1000 1330 1800 1750
NK300-1200G-T4 1200 1600 2160 2100
NK300-1400G-T4 1400 2120 2420 2350

Three phase 660-690v 50/60hz

NK300-015G-T6 15 20 21 19
NK300-018G-T6 18 25 28 22
NK300-022G-T6 22 30 35 28
NK300-030G-T6 30 40 40 35
NK300-037G-T6 37 50 47 45
NK300-045G-T6 45 60 55 52
NK300-055G-T6 55 75 65 63
NK300-075G-T6 75 100 90 86
NK300-090G-T6 90 105 100 98
NK300-110G-T6 110 130 130 121
NK300-132G-T6 132 175 170 150
NK300-160G-T6 160 210 200 175
NK300-185G-T6 185 250 210 195
NK300-200G-T6 200 260 235 215
NK300-220G-T6 220 300 257 245
NK300-250G-T6 250 330 265 260
NK300-280G-T6 280 370 305 300
NK300-315G-T6 315 420 350 330
NK300-350G-T6 350 470 382 374
NK300-400G-T6 400 530 435 410
NK300-450G-T6 450 600 490 465
NK300-500G-T6 500 660 595 550
NK300-560G-T6 560 745 610 590
NK300-630G-T6 630 840 710 680
NK300-710G-T6 710 950 800 770
NK300-800G-T6 800 1050 900 865
NK300-900G-T6 900 1150 1000 970
NK300-1000G-T6 1000 1330 1120 1080
NK300-1200G-T6 1200 1600 1290 1280
NK300-1400G-T6 1400 1860 1510 1460
NK300-1600G-T6 1600 2130 1780 1720


sv svd (1)
sv svd (2)

The variable frequency drive  has obvious energy-saving effect in the application of fan and water pump. After the fan and pump load is regulated by frequency conversion, the power saving rate is 20% to 60%, which is because the actual power consumption of the fan and pump load is basically proportional to the third square of the speed. When the average flow rate required by the user is small, the fan and pump use frequency control to reduce their speed, and the energy-saving effect is very obvious. However, the traditional fan and pump use baffles and valves for flow regulation, the motor speed is basically unchanged, and the power consumption changes little. According to statistics, the electricity consumption of fans and pump motors accounts for 31% of the national electricity consumption and 50% of the industrial electricity consumption.
Of course, in the case of cranes, belts and other needs to speed, the frequency converter has also been widely used.

Customer service

1. ODM/OEM service is offered.

2. Quick order confirmation.

3. Fast delivery time.

4. Convenient payment term.

At present, the company is vigorously expanding overseas markets and global layout. We are committed to becoming one of the top ten export enterprises in China’s electrical automatic product, serving the world with high-quality products and achieving a win-win situation with more customers.


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